MI Smile Journey team

Top Invisalign Myths You Should Ignore

Posted on December 5, 2022

If you need work to straighten your teeth, you may think braces are your best option. But Invisalign is actually a great option, and it is one that should be at the top of your list to look into. There are a lot of myths out there about Invisalign, so it is important to make sure that the information you are getting is accurate.

Invisalign is Only for Adults

Many people may think that Invisalign is only for adults, but it is actually an effective treatment for any age. Invisalign does require some extra care and attention, when compared to braces, because patients wear removable retainers, rather than having braces attached to their teeth. Some parents worry that their children or young teens may lose the retainers or forget to wear them. While this may be true for some children, that doesn’t mean that is true for all of them. Consider your children and whether their temperament will be a good fit. Your orthodontist will be able to advise you on whether your child’s teeth are developed enough that Invisalign is a good idea.

Invisalign is Only Good for Simple Issues

The general perception is that Invisalign is mostly used to treat simple issues, like crooked teeth, while other methods are needed to treat more complex issues. In reality, Invisalign can be used to treat almost every orthodontic issue, including complex issues like overbites, underbites, misaligned teeth, and overcrowding. These treatments will last longer than fixing crooked teeth, and they may require you to have more versions of your retainer made, but complex issues take time no matter what method you use. Your orthodontist can help you figure out the best method to correct your dental problems, but don’t count out Invisalign just because of its complexity.

Invisalign is the Same as Mail-Order

Mail-order retainers will have you believe that they can achieve the same results as Invisalign, but that just isn’t true. The biggest thing you are missing if you use mail-order retainers is the expertise of your orthodontist. Fixing your orthodontic issues is a medical procedure, even though it can be non-invasive. You need the proper supervision to make sure that you don’t cause more severe problems for you in the long run. Your orthodontist has the expertise that you need, so don’t try to do this on your own.

Invisalign is a viable option that you should be considering to treat any orthodontic issues you have. There is plenty of misinformation out there, but doing the proper research can debunk these myths and help you make the right decision for your teeth.

Want to learn more about Invisalign? Read our FAQs here!

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Saginaw, MI
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Frankenmuth, MI
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